Project Description


Pilates Thrive to Wellness Studio specializes STOTT Rehab Pilates, helping you to reach your movement potential. We believe that the body heals through movement; what you will learn with us will transfer into your everyday life.

About STOTT Rehab Pilates

STOTT REHAB PILATES offers over 500 progressive mind-body exercises using high-performance STOTT PILATES equipment, targeting specific needs.

Thrive to Wellness specializes in Rehabilitation STOTT Pilates, specifically created for licensed health-care professionals. Modified STOTT Pilates exercises for injury prevention and rehabilitation are integrated into our practices.

Pilates training reduces pain, disability and injuries; it is based on re-establishing dynamic control.

Specific stabilization training reduces pain, disability and recurrence rates for many musculoskeletal conditions.

The STOTT Pilates approach to rehabilitation is based on re-establishing dynamic control of the local and global muscular system.

It restores dynamic balance of stability and mobility.

Class Description

Private Session

At Thrive to Wellness we create an individualized session where you work with the instructor on a range of different Pilate’s apparatus. Each session is tailored to meet the needs of the individual client and their personal goals.

Semi-Private Session

This would involve two clients with one instructor, while still allowing each client to work on their individual goals.