Kinesiology & Personal Training
Get Started
Slow down and be present, learn how to achieve an overall state of wellness
Personal Training & Exercise Therapy
A custom workout will take your strength, fitness and flexibility to a more balanced you while providing safe and effective exercises to achieve your goals
Educating and guiding you along your journey of recovery, helping you reach your full movement potential
Pilates Rehab
Over 500 progressive mind-body exercises using high-performance STOTT PILATES equipment, targeting your specific needs
Deepen your knowledge of hypopressive techniques allowing you to live your most functional life
Soft Tissue Release
Fast and permanent reorganization of scar tissue, the targeted muscle(s) return to the proper resting length, muscle imbalances are corrected, associated pain is decreased or eliminated, and muscle performance is improved
Personal Training & Exercise Therapy
A custom workout will take your strength, fitness and flexibility to a more balanced you while providing safe and effective exercises to achieve your goals
Educating and guiding you along your journey of recovery, helping you reach your full movement potential
Pilates Rehab
Over 500 progressive mind-body exercises using high-performance STOTT PILATES equipment, targeting your specific needs
Deepen your knowledge of hypopressive techniques allowing you to live your most functional life
Soft Tissue Release
Fast and permanent reorganization of scar tissue, the targeted muscle(s) return to the proper resting length, muscle imbalances are corrected, associated pain is decreased or eliminated, and muscle performance is improved